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 Work Party & Seed Exchange!

Holman Grove is currently a scrappy little triangle of grass with some plants, tended by a couple of volunteer neighbors, next to a busy commercial road surrounded by strip malls.
With your help we will plant more plants, get rid of invasive species, and spread around some wood chips.

Lend a hand, and pick up some ground cover seeds to start your winter garden!

We want to know people’s thoughts on what we should do at Holman Grove. So far the idea is: more plants, hopefully someday seating and art, and maybe trees…

Bring fat pitchforks and gloves if you got them. No worries if not – CHCG has plenty of gloves to share. and a couple of pitchforks.


November 6, 2021
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Crown Hill Community Garden


Holman Grove
Mary Ave NW & 90th St + Google Map

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