A Wrap on Crown Hill Holiday Market!
What a great holiday party! A slate of outstanding hyper local makers and artists filled the host businesses, Tacos and Beer served up delicious food, Santa greeted and posed, all to tunes from local artist Toby Slade.
You can still purchase unique gifts made by your neighbors. Check out the online market here.
We love the market because it allows us to highlight all the talented neighbors hustling to make a super small business.
None of these events would be possible without the support of the storefront owning businesses! Thank you to Jennifer at Z-Ultimate Dojo for getting your business neighbors on board to host the market! JRA Bike Shop hosted the wine and cider table and provided power for the musician. Vendors were hosted by Swerve Driving School and Z-Ultimate Dojo.
Thank you to Swanson’s and Ballard Blossom. Everybody knows that Swanson’s has the best wreaths in the city and the floral arrangements from Ballard Blossom brought such bright beauty to the event.