Crown Hill-O-Ween Kid, Dog, and Pet Costume Parade in NW Seattle
October 28, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Dog & Kid Costume Party and Parade
at Crown Hill Park in NW Seattle
Crown Hill-O-Ween Halloween Dog and Kid Costume Spooktacular
Kid Costume Parade: Kids in costumes line up to strut all the cuteness!
Dog Parade: Pets line up in their spooky best party costumes. Our expert panel of judges will decide who wins in four categories:
- Spookiest
- Funniest
- Most Creative
- Best Group
Photo Booth: The Great Pumpkin is back to terrify the Village. Take a photo with him if you dare!
Crack Walnuts: Don’t you just love smashing things with a hammer? Come and crack some fresh black walnuts harvested by our own Gardener Fred!
Tattoo Parlor: The first 100 brave visitors get a (temporary) tattoo of Seattle’s Great Pumpkin himself!
Games: Pumpkin Checkers, Pick-A-Treat, and other fun party games scattered around the park.
We look forward to seeing you at Crown Hill Park in NW Seattle!
Seattle seattle seattle!
In the meantime, why not take a look at some of the fun the dogs and their people had at last year’s costume party? Check out the slideshow below!