Latest Past Events
Garden Dreaming Meeting
Trinity United Methodist Church 8500 14th Ave NW, SeattleCommunity Garden Meeting Monday, Jan 20 6-7:30 PM Trinity United Methodist 8500 14th Ave NW Winter is the time for garden dreaming. Be part of what's next for the community garden! Gardener Fred is gearing up to grow more food for the Ballard Food Bank. Lend a hand in one of our gardens on public land, help identify underused spaces that would be good for a garden, or plant an extra row in your own garden and Fred will deliver it to the food bank for you! Gardener Elizabeth is inviting nature into the city and exploring [...]
Crown Hill-O-Ween 2024: Pet Costume Parade in NW Seattle
Crown Hill Park Holman Road and 13th Ave NW, SeattlePet Costume Party and Parade at Crown Hill Park in NW Seattle Crown Hill-O-Ween Pet Costume Spooktacular is back for our fourth season! Come enjoy some old favorites and some new things too! Pet Parade: Pets line up in their spooky best party costumes. Our expert panel of judges will decide who wins in four categories: Spookiest Funniest Most Creative Best Group Photo Booth: The Great Pumpkin is back to terrify the Village. Take a photo with him if you dare! Food Truck: Spooky Dogs will have regular and vegetarian hotdogs with all the fixins. We look [...]
Monthly Meeting
Trinity United Methodist Church 8500 14th Ave NW, SeattleMONTHLY MEETING! Are you wondering how to get involved? JOIN US! Crown Hill Village is a coalition of neighborhood volunteers working to create a dynamic and connected community. Come see what we are all about and help us drive the agenda for the coming year. We need your ideas and energy. The monthly meetings are open to all.