Movies are What Brings us Together
Outdoor Movie Night at Crown Hill Park was a roaring success!
Over 200 neighbors joined us for trivia, photo booth fun, popcorn, and The Princess Bride. Thanks to support from neighborhood businesses and artists The Crown Hill Village made the dream of a Crown Hill Park movie night into a reality.
Not so long ago, Crown Hill Park was nothing but a field. Seattle Parks worked with the community to develop this empty field into an appealing space for our neighborhood to enjoy. Before the park was built, neighbors attended sessions where they shared their priorities for the park – the skate dot, some play equipment, a loop for biking, and a place to host movie nights. Neighbors have kept this Movie Night dream alive since the park opened in 2012.
“Neighbors met with the city to build the plan for the park” neighbor Carolyn Hostetler remembered as she surveyed the crowd. “People were excited about the idea of movie nights and now it is finally happening.”
Thanks to neighborhood businesses our movie night had a classic drive-in feel plus the fun addition of trivia and a photo booth.
Fresh off directing a special theater program at Small Faces, neighborhood artist Cristie Kearny (famous for her work on the Little Free Peep Show) gathered costumes and props to create one inconceivable photo booth. Neighbors donned wigs and costumes, and foughe mock duels to create Princess Bride-themed photos. Kearny also planned and led two rounds of trivia. Congratulations to Soundview Park regular Erin who dusted the competition with her extensive knowledge of the movie!
- The AV was sponsored by Dan the Bee Man. Daniel took the night off stinging insect removal to setup and run the movie tech.
- Swords and other props were loaned to us by Seattle Gilbert and Sullivan Society, who also donated the electricity.
- Thank you to Josh and Jelly, owners of our local Grocery Outlet for donating popcorn supplies and popsicles!
- A special thanks to Small Faces Child Development Center for sharing the space for this movie.
Interested in sponsoring a movie night, or another community event? Contact us!