Comment Period Extended
The public comment period for the Crown Hill Action Plan is extended until Friday. This plan will provide guidance for development and for the city’s investments in our neighborhood. From public art to transportation, the action plan is a snapshot of the community’s priorities. What are your priorities? Read the plan here and comment here.
The Crown Hill Village Association has read the plan, and were happy to find a lot of great stuff that reflects what we’ve heard from neighbors and business owners. We are asking The City to address a few key omissions, but are otherwise excited about the draft. We believe this plan will help to create a framework for a Crown Hill that is it’s own vibrant, mobile, and affordable community.
It is one thing to talk about creating dynamic neighborhoods, but translating that talk into action is another. This plan offers real pathways to make it happen. This plan:
- Prioritizes public art and incorporates green space.
- Calls for small business support.
- Highlights and builds on the need for an outdoor community meeting space.
- Outlines a pedestrian loop.
- Proposes specific strategies to create a walkable community: improved streetlights and crossing, drainage projects, safe pedestrian pathways on streets with no sidewalks.
There were three items that we would like to see addressed more thoroughly in the plan. Those key areas are affordable housing, transit, and a public indoor gathering space.
We are excited to see the plan completed, and to begin the work of creating that dynamic Crown Hill we have envisioned together. We look forward to working with you and the city to secure the funding needed to make many of the exciting projects addressed in this plan happen.
We hope you can take a moment to look at the plan and to add your voice to the comments. This is our chance to make Crown Hill a vibrant, mobile and livable community.