The Crown Hill Village Association (CHV) is building a neighborhood business directory and we hope your business will join. Thanks to a grant from Federal COVID Recovery Funds, distributed by the Seattle Office of Economic Development, you can sign up for the directory for free!
Neighborhood Business Directory
Our goal is to connect neighbors to all the businesses in the community, reminding them that people can find goods and services right here in Crown Hill. The directory will be hosted on our website, and we will feature the directory prominently on the welcome materials for new neighbors.
North Seattle Marketplace
Another goal of the CHV is to create connections across North Seattle, so we are collaborating with other neighborhood business organizations to build the North Seattle Marketplace. When you sign up for the Crown Hill Business Directory, you will also have the option to join (for free) the North Seattle Marketplace.
You can opt into the marketplace while signing up for the directory.
To sign up for a directory listing, you will need:
- A logo image that is square (300 x 300 pixels).
- A short description of your business (175 characters max).
- A link to your website (can be Instagram, Yelp, Etc).
We can help you create any of these resources! We can even help you sign up.