Changing Season in the Garden

Categories: Garden, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Changing Season in the Garden The season is changing in the garden. All the spring greens are being persuaded to give as much as possible before they bolt and get pulled out. The beautiful chard and lettuces brought lots of color this spring, but it is time to start planting summer crops. What's Growing Blueberries - have berries! Strawberries - have berries! Thornless Blackberries - have berries! (and are staged beautifully - swing by and check them out!) Peas - getting huge! These are a mix between vine and bush. Kabocha Squash - under the cloche. Carrots [...]

Huge Spring Haul to the Food Bank

Categories: Garden, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Huge Spring Haul to the Food Bank This week, the gardeners donated 100 pounds of fresh herbs and greens to the Ballard Food Bank. Boxes of chard and miner's lettuce along with piles of fresh herbs - all harvested from the land outside the Crown Hill Center. Before this plot was turned into farmable land, it was an underused stretch of grass - and now it is creating a place for neighbors to connect and find nourishment! Stop by on Saturday! Do you manage the roundabout on your block or other right of way garden space? Are [...]

Time to Get Stuff in the Ground!

Categories: Garden, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Time to Get Stuff in the Ground! The soil is warming up, and so are the plans at the Crown Hill Community Garden! The garden donates the food to the Ballard Food Bank and so far the donations weigh in at 201 pounds. This would be an impressive amount of tomatoes, but this time of year the donation bin is full of chard and lettuce - that's A LOT of light weight, nutrition packed beauty. With spring weather incoming, the donations will keep increasing. Stop by on Saturday! Join the gardeners at the Crown Hill Community Center [...]

Strawberry Season Around the Corner!

Categories: Garden, Uncategorized|

Strawberry Season Around Corner! The Crown Hill Community Garden bird house and planting workshop was a huge success! Folks from around the neighborhood prepped the garden beds, weeded, trimmed, and transplanted. Gardener Fred, with help from Randy who manages the garden around the corner at Labateyah, led the kids in an exciting project to build bird houses from scratch. The parents seemed a bit nervous about the hammers and saws but the kids and gardeners created with confidence. Stop by on Saturday! Join the gardeners at "The Holman Grove" (the triangle by Petco on 90th and Holman). [...]

Save the Ballard P-Patch!

Categories: Uncategorized|

Save the Ballard P-Patch! The Ballard P-Patch is an important part of our community. The garden grows and donates food to the Ballard Food Bank, offers garden space to neighbors, and hosts educational and arts events. The garden is also a beautiful green space, untouched by development. A committed group of volunteers are working to raise the funds to save this neighborhood gem, and we hope you will join them in this mission. Sign the petition! They are asking the City Council for emergency funding so that they can qualify for a King County grant that requires [...]

Food Donated to Ballard Food Bank

Categories: Garden, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Food Donated to Ballard Food Bank The gardeners took over the space in front of the Crown Hill Center this spring. As they grew their plan for the garden space as urban food forest, they also grew over 500 pounds (and counting) of food to donate to the Ballard Food Bank. What an innovative way to work for our community! We are looking for volunteers as we expand the program to the Holman Grove around 90th st and Mary Ave NW. Contact us for more information.

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